.. Favicodes documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 26 14:07:11 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. =============== Introduction =============== Say you'd like a nice favicon, but you don't want the hassle of making one. Favicodes is a service to dynamically generate favicons from unicode characters. (A singular favicode is a favicon generated from Unicode.) Favicodes can be further customized through GET query parameters. This makes it quick and easy for anyone to generate a favicode without leaving the text editor. Examples ======== Each of the examples below is being dynamically generated by Favicodes: .. image:: https://favi.codes/fa/github Github https://favi.codes/fa/github .. image:: https://favi.codes/fa/js?color=gold&bgcolor=black&fontsize=256&y=-8&size=224 JavaScript https://favi.codes/fa/js?color=gold&bgcolor=black&fontsize=256&y=-8&size=224 .. image:: https://favi.codes/Y?color=white&bgcolor=ff6600&y=-20 Y-Combinator https://favi.codes/Y?color=white&bgcolor=ff6600&y=-20 .. image:: https://favi.codes/fa/font-awesome?fontsize=256&color=349af0 FontAwesome https://favi.codes/fa/font-awesome?fontsize=256&color=349af0 Features ======== - Favicodes may contain up to 2 glyphs, side by side - Generates png or ico output (png default) - Font defaults to Google Noto Sans (Mostly Latin characters by default for now, all character sets supported by Noto will eventually be supported in all styles) - Can also generate any of the glyphs from FontAwesome Free 5.8.1 - FontAwesome glyphs can be specified by hex Unicode code point or their proper names, eg. "f005" or "star" - But wait, all characters can be specified by their Unicode code point - Text can be resized, colored or placed anywhere on the x, y axes - All font styles available for both FontAwesome Free and Google Noto Sans Table of Contents ===================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 pages/quickstart pages/api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`