================== API Documentation ================== Unicode Input ============= Unicode character input can be specified in a number of ways. The app router takes the URL path of an incoming request and makes sense of it as follows: 1. If no input provided (URL path is blank), assume the user wants no text. :code:`https://favi.codes/` 2. If the path begins with "fa/" followed by text, expect a FontAwesome proper name. :code:`https://favi.codes/fa/clock` 3. If no slashes in path, input is either Unicode literal(s) or a single Unicode code point. :code:`https://favi.codes/RG` or :code:`https://favi.codes/f23b` 4. If one slash in path, expect 2 Unicode code points (or literals, or a code point and a literal) :code:`https://favi.codes/02f/02e` GET Parameters ============== size ------------- - Specifies the size of the image in square pixels - Must be an integer <= 256 - Default is 256 color ------------- - Specifies the color of the text - Must be a CSS3 color name, hexcode, or comma-separated RGBA (eg. "skyblue", "0,0,0,0", or "112233"), case-insensitive - Supported CSS3 names can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#HTML_color_names - Hexcodes must be exactly 6 nybbles, without the hash in front eg. "ff6600" - All RGBA values must be in the range 0-255, including the alpha (in CSS it is usually a float but, in PIL it's 0-255) - Default is black bgcolor ------------- - Specifies the color of the background, same restrictions as 'color' - Default is 0,0,0,0 font ------------- - Specifies the font family to use - Must be either "notosans" or "fontawesome" case-insensitive - Defaults to "notosans" style ------------- - Specifies the font style to use - Different options for different families of fonts - Default is "regular" - For Noto fonts these are: - black - blackitalic - bold - bolditalic - brands - condensed - condensedblack - condensedblackitalic - condensedbold - condensedbolditalic - condensedextrabold - condensedextrabolditalic - condensedextralight - condensedextralightitalic - condenseditalic - condensedlight - condensedlightitalic - condensedmedium - condensedmediumitalic - condensedsemibold - condensedsemibolditalic - condensedthin - condensedthinitalic - extrabold - extrabolditalic - extracondensed - extracondensedblack - extracondensedblackitalic - extracondensedbold - extracondensedbolditalic - extracondensedextrabold - extracondensedextrabolditalic - extracondensedextralight - extracondensedextralightitalic - extracondenseditalic - extracondensedlight - extracondensedlightitalic - extracondensedmedium - extracondensedmediumitalic - extracondensedsemibold - extracondensedsemibolditalic - extracondensedthin - extracondensedthinitalic - extralight - extralightitalic - italic - light - lightitalic - medium - mediumitalic - regular - semibold - semibolditalic - semicondensed - semicondensedblack - semicondensedblackitalic - semicondensedbold - semicondensedbolditalic - semicondensedextrabold - semicondensedextrabolditalic - semicondensedextralight - semicondensedextralightitalic - semicondenseditalic - semicondensedlight - semicondensedlightitalic - semicondensedmedium - semicondensedmediumitalic - semicondensedsemibold - semicondensedsemibolditalic - semicondensedthin - semicondensedthinitalic - solid - thin - thinitalic - For FontAwesome, there are: - solid - regular - brands fontsize ------------- - Specifies the font size - Must be an integer <= 256 - Defaults to 192 format ------------- - Specifies the format of the output image - Mimetype is determined by this parameter as well - Must be either "png" or "ico" - Defaults to "png" x ------------- - Specifies an X-axis offset from center to draw the text - Must be between -128 and 128, since the max size is 256 - Defaults to 0 y ------------- - Specifies an Y-axis offset from center to draw the text - Must be between -128 and 128, since the max size is 256 - Defaults to 0